From: (Robert Bursey)
Subject: Does salt add flavour?
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 97 18:20:59 PST
I have been having trouble getting some of my whole wheat loaves to rise, so
much so that I not only cut down the salt, but left it out a few times
altogether. I always thought salt's only purpose was to keep the yeast in
check. But the loaves I have made with no salt are lacking something in the
taste department. So I have been adding about 1 tsp per 1.5 or 2 lb loaves and
it seems to be ok. I would like somewhat higher loaves, but not if they taste
bland. BTW, my Black and Decker has this problem. I have been having trouble
getting rid of my old Regal, because it makes whole wheat loaves that rise
essentially as high as the white flour loaves do. So a second question on the
subject of rising is are there some machines that just for some reason or
other make denser loaves than others? Thanks.
My Hitachi has a wheat bread cycle which allows the wheat breads to go
through a third rise. Maybe yours doesn't????