Home Bread-Bakers v097.n052.20

Zoji Problem (Reply)

Tom Strantz <TSTRANTZ@compuserve.com>
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 01:21:27 -0400
This is an answer for Griff who has a Zoji problem.

I also had trouble removing the paddle from my Zoji.  Then I noticed that
when it was clean and dry the paddle actually fit very loosly!  Further
investigation revealed that during the mixing and baking the dough works
its way into the small gap between the paddle and the shaft: then it BAKES
the paddle to the shaft, using the bread dough as cement!

After I remove the bread I put a few inches of hot water in the pan and let
it soak.  Sometimes I have to hold the bottom of the shaft with one hand
and wiggle the paddle with the other hand.  It always comes off easily with

By the way, did you know that you can purchase a Zoji pan without a paddle?
After the dough has mixed you transfer it to a pan without a shaft or
paddle and place it back into the machine to bake.  There will be no hole
in the bottom of the bread when it is finished.

Contact Mr. Irwin H. Franzel <Irwin@prodigy.com> who supplies these pans
from a company called Delta Rehabilitation.  He also has a toll free
number:  (800) 641-9093.
