Home Bread-Bakers v100.n010.1

microwave rising

"Dave Wester" <dpwester@mwt.net>
Wed, 26 Jan 2000 16:33:36 -0600
In response to Barbara Moore who wanted to know about using a microwave for 
bread rising--I tried this method many years ago when I first got my 
microwave and it works very well.  Here is the method from my cookbook 
(mine is a 750 watt oven so you may need to make adjustments based on the 
size of yours).  Put 1 cup of water in a 2-cup glass measure and place it 
in the oven.  Bring the water to a boil on HI, about 3-3 1/2 
minutes.  Place the dough in the oven next to the water (dough must be in a 
glass or plastic bowl, of course).  Set the oven at the lowest possible 
setting and the timer for 10 min.  When the timer beeps leave the dough in 
the oven for another 20 min. or until double.  You can then form it into 
loaves, again using only non-metal pans, and repeat the above directions 
for rising in the pans.  I used this method quite a bit when I first 
discovered  it but stopped because I thought I might wear out my microwave 
before its time (I bake a lot of bread and figured I was subjecting the 
oven to a lot of "run" time).  I didn't encounter any problems with the 
final product after using this method and it's a handy thing to know if you 
need bread in a hurry occasionally.

Good luck...Pat