Home Bread-Bakers v100.n066.16

Internal Temperature of Baked Bread

"Willie J. Prejean" <prejean@urjet.net>
Wed, 4 Oct 2000 10:37:53 -0500
I agree with Ed Okie that the internal temperature of baked bread will be 
over 200 degrees F.  It will be very close to the temperature at which 
water boils in your area.

Temperature at which water boils at different altitudes:

210 Phoenix,
208 Spokane
206 Helena,  Montana.
201.5 Denver, Colorado
199 Santa Fe, NM
186 Pikes Peak

I am sure some of you have experienced that you cannot boil beans at Pikes 
Peak without using a pressure cooker.  Water boils at a lower temperature 
in a vacuum and higher under pressure.