Hello Fellow Bread-Heads-
I'm making bread by hand these days and am having real trouble kneading
"without adding any extra flour," as Maggie Glezer recommends and as
artisan-style doughs generally require. Using a bench knife is a nice
idea, but I still end up with sticky hands, no real fold-over in the dough,
and no kneading rhythm. I am wondering what types of kneading surfaces
people have to help in this regard. Two products I have seen interest me,
and I wonder if anyone out there uses them. 1) The non-stick mats recently
advertised in the King Arthur catalog heretofore sold as pan-liners. Do
these work as kneading surfaces? 2) A cloth-covered board that folds in
half to store, offered in the Cutlery Direct catalog. The same idea as
putting those little cloth sweaters on your rolling pin, a technique which
works for me.
Lastly, I thought I might just order TWO non-stick bench knives from King
Arthur and see if I could make up my own technique. . . .