Home Bread-Bakers v109.n004.3

A Huge Thank You!

Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:53:52 -1000
Hello, Hola and Aloha

Although I'm not known for being a baker, I do enjoy reading about 
what others are doing and I do experiment once in a while.  I have 
learned much from what most would call "lurking in the background" 
although I have posted in the past, once in a blue moon.

I just wanted to express a huge Thank You to ALL of you who post such 
great information, recipes and advice when asked by other members of this list.

Another HUGE Thank You to Reggie and Jeff for keeping this list as 
interesting as it has been all of these years.  I can't believe it 
has been almost 11 years (this coming April) since I met you both in 
Portland, OR!

I don't make New Year's resolutions any longer, just so I won't feel 
guilty when I break them....but I am hoping to start baking more this 
year...if only because the price of a loaf of bread (even the 
cheapest) is up to almost $4 a small loaf!

I have met several of you through this list (and other foodie groups) 
both on line and face to face and our friendships continue on and 
have brought me much happiness.

Even though it is already Mid-January, I wish you all a very Happy 
New Year, Feliz Año Nuevo and Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

.........the G.R.I.T.S. Cuban Wahine

Sonia R. Martinez
Cookbook author and freelance food writer.
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