Well, this is it. The bread-makers mailing list now has 56 members. I've
been waiting to post an introductory message until the "add me too's" dropped
off a bit. Anyway, here's some information for everyone.
I will be archiving the list. It will be by volume/issue.
This issue will start volume 1. If you ever need a back-issue, send
email to the bread-request alias and I'll do my best.
This list is going to be sent-out in digest format. Originally, I had
planed to make things sent out as they were received, but when a couple
of messages are being sent out, it creates a lot of uucp connections.
Thus, I will be sending an issue out once a day, as long as there's
something for it.
I'm going to try to have "RECIPE:" at the start of each subject with
a recipe in it. Other keywords will be invented as needed. :-)
If you have any questions or problems with the list, please send them
to me at bread-request.
- --
Jeff Beadles jeff@onion.pdx.com