I have received the Delta Rehab electronic catalog from Irwin at
If anyone want's a copy I'll be more than happy to forward it.
They offer the Zoji S-15, S-15A, and have a special on them for $250 complete
for a new one right now.
They also have a finnish pan($25) that will let you bake bread in your machine
without the hole in the bottom. You put it in after the first rise cycle.
According to catalog this is an exclusive Delta Rehab item.
Parts, grinding mill, books, yeast, dough conditioner, and non-stick pastry
boards are also available, bread knives bread boards etc. are available
from time to time.
Their number is 1-800-641-9093
Jeanette Fielden
School: University of Colorado - Boulder
Graduate Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program