I'm pretty sure DAK sold its breadmaker company to someone so I don't
know who would handle repairs - but I've had a Dak for about 8 years,
and 2 years ago mine started turning out hockey pucks - out of the
blue! After weeping miserably for a while, I tried different things
to fix the problem. It may just be superstition at this point, but I
now am back to regular high quality loaves by:
Moving the Breadmaker! I keep it on the floor away from the window - don't
know why this should work but it does
Proofing the yeast with the warm liquid and sugar/honey/fruitjuice [I never
used to have to do this
And adding loads of gluten [I usualy use whole grain flours, but I even add
it now with white flour]
I also don't do the yeast on the bottom thing anymore [it says to do
that in the Dak instructions - I just proof the yeast as above and
pour it on top of the other ingredients
Last but not least, I cover the glass dome - aluminum foil and
sometimes even a towel on top - watch the air vents!
Hope this helps - and if you do find out where to get service on a DAK let us
know on the line - mine's fine today but if it ever breaks I'll be weeping
again ;)