Home Bread-Bakers v006.n051.1

Re: Sandi's bread machine mixes

Sun, 26 Nov 1995 16:29:50 -0500
Janet Morrissey <janetm@online1.magnus1.com> writes:

>Sandi -
>What a great idea!  I just have one question, though.  Are the 
>potato/chive and the walnut breads for 1, 1 1/2, or 2 pond machines?  No, 
>make that 2 questions...do you have any more?

The recipes are for 1.5-lb loaves, and shame on me for not saying so. If
anyone needs the smaller size, email me and I may be able to help. But I'm
out of town and can't do it right now.

As for whether I have more mix recipes, well, I'm working on it and promise
to post any more i find if y'all promise to post any recipes you find that
meet my criteria: all dry ingredients except for water and oil/butter
(which--along with the yeast-- can be added at the time of use).
