In 1988 I was involved in co-ordinating a Bread Faire as a response to
the American Dietetic Association national theme around bread,
nutritional aspects.
It took place in San Diego County. We had at least 5 sites, donated
flour and oats. Many dietitians, diet techs, home economists, the local
Extension service, students in the field (recieved credit for
involvement) and spouses participated.
Local public 'rooms' and even a few halls were donated. It was a huge
task and exhausting for the 'little red hens'. But we did manage to get
from 25-70 people at each site. A giant bread bake in.
Actually we didn't bake the loaves on site, everyone got to take their dough
home in a plastic bag.
I seem to remember we gave out plastic gloves and bags to do the initial
mixing with or in. Lots of laughing and floured noses, all ages,
families and seniors.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention that we had a panel of speakers introducing
the subject and various presentations 'educating' the public to the
healthy side of bread.
Thats all folks,
Juliet Nalven
Eugene, Oregon