(donna Slater) asked:
>2. Can anyone please tell me what cream of wheat is? In the Bread
>Machine Cookbook by Donna German, there is a recipe for chocolate cream
>of wheat bread, but I cannot find out what cream of wheat is and it
>does not appear to be available here in the UK.
Cream of Wheat is a hot breakfast cereal, made mostly of wheat farina
enriched with a little wheat germ. If the UK does not have an equivalent
brand, perhaps you can find farina in a health food store?
>3. Could someone please explain exactly what a zip lock bag is? I've
>seen them mentioned a lot on this list but again have never come across
>them in the UK.
A kind of plastic bag, used for food storage. Some are made from heavier
plastic for freezer storage. They have a special seal at the top: there
is a single ridge of stiff plastic across one side of the inside of the
bag, and a double ridge on the facing side. The single ridge presses
tightly between the double ridges, creating an air-tight seal. Zip-lock
bags are great for storing leftovers, because they conform to the
available space in your fridge. I also like them for marinating
meat/poultry -- just pick up the bag now and then, slosh it around, and
turn it over. Some people use them for rising dough.
Hope this helps.
And now, a bit of self-advertising. I have a home page devoted to bread,
which you nice folks are invited to visit. Recipes for yeast breads,
quick breads, muffins, biscuits, and cornbreads, plus links to
bread-related sites around the Web. Sorry, I have no bread machine
recipes -- I have no objections to them, but as a "by-hand" baker, I
haven't had occasion to collect any.
Harper *** Robin Carroll-Mann OR
"Mostly Harmless" -- Douglas Adams
Harper's Bread Basket ***