Geej wrote:
>I found an interesting sounding recipe in the Village Bakery Recipe Bin at
>, but I'm not quite sure what
>one >of the ingredients is. It calls for 1 cup of r.r. cereal. The poster
>is from
>Canada. Is this a popular cereal in Canada?
I think this is probably Red River Cereal from Maple Leaf Mills Limited in
Toronto, Canada. It contains cracked wheat, cracked rye, and whole flax
seed. The texture is fine enough that it cooks in 5 minutes. You might
find it in a food co-op or health food store if it's not available at your
Bonnie Goodwill Briscoe
500 East Third Street phone: 320-589-1258
Morris, Minnesota, USA 56267 fax: 320-589-1754
Language is all that separates us from the lower animals--
and from the bureaucrats.