Home Bread-Bakers v097.n049.20

Where/How to get sourdough starter

bc151@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Ken Fisler)
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 16:20:28 -0400 (EDT)
Heidi (wittenberg1@juno.com) said:

> Please note, that sourdough techniques do not have to make the
> bread sour like "San Francisco Sourdough" bread which is acidic and sour
> tasting.

This is true.  The sourdough starter I've been using for several months is
generally not very sour at all.  One time it was, but something was wrong...
the loaves didn't turn out right.

> If this is the case, I'm sorry that I've deleted every copy of every recipe
> for sourdough starter that I've ever gotten.  Does anyone have a recipe for
> a good starter, and is there anything in particular I should be doing to
> avoid that sour taste in the breads?  I've never tried my own sourdough
> breads as I was so turned off by the taste of the sourdough breads I've
> tried.  - Heidi K.

This has been written about many times here, though not recently.  Maybe we
(the listmasters) should post here on this list the addresses of the
sourdough FAQ and other such documents... say, once a month.

The quick recipe is: mix up a thick soup of white flour and water and put it
on your window sill for about a week, whipping it a few times a day to get
air into it.  Sourdough comes from wild yeast which are floating around in
the air all the time... well, just when the weather's warm enoughor it.
The flour and water is just a way of "harvesting" those yeasties.

After that several days, you should start to get bubbles forming and it
should start to smell something like bread yeast.  If it does, then it is.
It's really pretty simple.

Alternatively, someone could mail you something to get you started.  That's
how I got mine.  In fact, if you want some of what I've got, just ask.

Like I said, there's other documents available on the WWW which go into tons
more detail.  I can't remember where they are.  Sorry.  Anybody else?

Good luck,

Ken Fisler