Home Bread-Bakers v098.n057.4

Rice Flour Bread

Sun, 9 Aug 1998 11:53:59 EDT
Hello Fellow Breadbakers:

Last night a friend of mine gave me a few slices of rice bread.  It was so
delicious I would like to get a recipe to make it myself.  She told me it
contained only Rice Flour, Salt, Water and something that started with a 'M'
(??)  No yeast, wheat or gluten.  It looked like it was made from a batter as
opposed to a risen dough.  It was baked in a loaf pan and was only maybe 3"
high.  It was very dense and cake-like.  This particular bread contained flax
seeds, which I could easily add to any recipe.

Does anyone have a recipe that comes close to this description?  If so, I
would really appreciate it!
