Home Bread-Bakers v101.n054.7

Yeast in the refrigerator

"Schmitt, Barbara E." <BSchmitt@goulstonstorrs.com>
Mon, 12 Nov 2001 09:29:38 -0500
Jade asked whether storing yeast in the refrigerator reduces its potency.
In my experience, it does not -- I buy yeast in one pound packages and store
the whole package in the fridge.  It takes me several months to use it up,
and I see no difference between the first loaf and the last.

I have had a bad experience, however, with freezing yeast.  Lots of people
do it, and KA recommends it, but the batch I froze died.  For the record, KA
replaced it for free.

So for me, there is always a Ziploc bag of yeast in the fridge -- and one of
the brown Fleischman's jars, which is easier to use, and refilled from the
