Melissa writes:>
> I purchased lecithin liquid because I saw it in a healthy bread cookbook,
> and hoped it was like malt extact. It is not and tasted really gross.
> Help! Does any one know why or how to use it in bread, I probably should
> have bought the cookbook and now I can't remember which book it was.
I use liquid lecithin in almost all my bread recipes. It serves as a dough
softener, and is especially useful when working with whole grain
flours. It is very sticky, so I first measure out whatever oil my recipe
calls for in a tablespoon. In that same tablespoon, I then pour out
roughly 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons of the lecithin. Since it is already oiled,
the lecithin slides right off the measuring spoon. Much easier this way.
Marie Cendo