>"S&R Ash" <db1753@dragonbbs.com> wrote:
>Subject: Starters for Bread
>(snip) Also we were military and how do you move starters from base to
>base, and pillar to post. One day I completely lost it and threw it all out
Generally, in a cooler ... but to go overseas, I put it in a jar with Saran
Wrap under the lid and inside 2 zip-lock freezer bags. And beside going to
Korea, it was July! By the time we got there, the starter had grown and
squooshed out from under the lid. The zip-lock bags kept it contained. We
returned to the US also in July, by way of Hawaii. I kept rehearsing what
I'd say if they searched our luggage ... "it's just flour and water, flour
and water." But they didn't.
NOW my husband's retired and I've learned about drying starter! That
would've been much easier! :)
>P.S. I will send a little story about my Grandma and her starter as a new
>bride if its okay to share a story here that is true.