Home Bread-Bakers v103.n052.5

Splenda, Diabetes and Bread...

Mon, 8 Dec 2003 21:09:50 -0600
I tried using Splenda in bread, and I know that is supposedly not necessary 
to have sugar in bread, but I like the results better with a little.  After 
testing out a lot of different sweetners and discussing diabetes with my 
diabetic brother chemist who tests these things out on his body and blood 
sugar... we found that fructose based sweetners do not raise his blood 
sugar very significantly.  White flour and corn flour do raise the glycemic 
level.  So, I use whole wheat flour (all whole wheat with the Laurel's 
Kitchen Bread Book 'Loaf for Learning' recipe) and use agave syrup 
(fructose-based) or granulated fructose (just like sugar).

Hope it helps.


BTW... Mike... thank you for encouraging me to use the Loaf for Learning 
recipe.... I've been making good bread successfully and repeatedly for a 
while now.  It's great.