Home Bread-Bakers v105.n015.9

Steam and shoot-outs

Tarheel_Boy@webtv.net (Skallywagg Forever)
Sun, 27 Mar 2005 09:21:38 -0500
To Diane Purkiss:  How big is that hurled glass of water, Diane?  Do I 
understand you correctly that the steam lasts 20 minutes until you turn the 
bread?  Mama mia, dat's a lotta steam.
To John in Yorkshire:  My instant thermometer takes about 5 seconds to 
reach the max.  I guess I'll call it my 5-second thermometer from now on.
To Diane Brown:  Wow!  Is your cast-iron pan and oven for sale?  Good on 
you!  Must be that lovely humidity in St. Louis.
To Pop:  Are you able to quickly get a lot of water into the pan with your 
bulb syringe?  It seems as if you'd lose a lot of heat that way.
In any case, I accept your challenge to meet just north of the old feed 
store to duel with baguettes at ten paces. Perhaps the two Dianes and John 
will bring some olive oil.
Bob the Tarheel Baker and Gunslinger