A friend of mine wants me to make her a batch of homemade rolls for
Thanksgiving. I need to make them on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving
so would I bake them and let her reheat on Thanksgiving day and at
what temperature and for how long? Or could I shape them and let
them rise and then freeze and then she would thaw and bake. If I did
that how long would she have to let them thaw. Would it be better to
thaw overnight in the fridge? Or should I just shape and freeze and
then she lets them thaw, then rise and then bake? But how much time
would she need to have them ready on time. I normally bake these
rolls for 12-15 minutes so would it be better to bake for about 6
minutes and then she finishes baking for 7-9 minutes on Thanksgiving
day. But should I freeze the partially baked rolls since I'm making
them on Tuesday? Any advice would be appreciated.