Home Bread-Bakers v106.n005.5

Re: Yeast rolls for freezing

Debunix <debunix@well.com>
Mon, 30 Jan 2006 11:33:36 -0600
You don't need a special recipe, because most plain sandwich-type 
breads make excellent rolls.    Just take your favorite sandwich 
bread, take one loaf's worth, divide it into 8 pieces, and shape into 
rolls. Depending on what kind of rolls you like--square ones with a 
crusty top and soft sides start as simple rounds, crowded together in 
something like an 8x8 inch brownie pan; braided rolls require rolling 
each piece of dough into a long rope, and either looping it around on 
itself to braid it as a single strand, or dividing into 2 pieces, 1/3 
and 2/3 of the total length, pinching together at the top, braiding 
and pinching again at the bottom; etc.  Let them rise as you normally 
would, but bake them hotter--375-400 F.  Small separate braided rolls 
may be done in 20 minutes, and a pan of plain rolls that have merged 
together pretty completely may take closer to 40 minutes.

I'd freeze them after baking them completely, because it's simpler to 
gauge readiness for baking and baking times when you're not adding in 
the complication of a cold step.  I bake a lot of rolls--more of them 
than larger loaves by far--and haven't yet found any that were a 
problem  when freezing the baked rolls and zapping in the microwave 
to warm them up.

Hope that helps.

Diane Brown in St. Louis	
