>anyone make flour tortillas? Is it worth it?
Corn tortillas are a lot more flavorful and are reasonably nutritious
-- just lime-cooked corn, and water -- it is possible, but not easy,
to get dried hominy corn to mill yourself into masa for corn
tortillas; standard flour tortillas are just unbleached flour &
shortening, pretty nasty if you think about it, and a bit of work to
boot to make large, uniformly thin rounds.
There are so many other interesting flatbreads in the world that I've
never been tempted to make flour tortillas. Here I'll put in a plug
for a favorite bread book, "Flatbreads and Flavors" by Alford and
Duguid, which has lots and lots, all of which are adaptable to fresh
home-milled flours.
Diane Brown in St. Louis