Bob - I am a turner and went to look at the things I could purchase
to add handles to from the mail order catalogs. There are knives,
bread saws, pizza cutters, basting tufts, pig tail flippers, etc, but
no whisks that I could find.
I have not seen that kind of whisk, but it looks like a smallish
stainless steel spring could be shaped into a torus, and attached to
a handle pretty easily. For a small handle, I would tend to turn
either solid surfacing materials (corian) or a epoxy/resin stabilized
material handle for easy cleaning. Those handles do not do well over
the long haul in the dishwasher but hold up better than straight
maple or beech.
There is a small whisk in the drawer I use for similar purpose that I
got from King Arthur. It has the circles but in a two dimensional
whisk. Works well for preferments, bigas, and the like for me.
By the way, as a long time Boy Scout Scoutmaster, I can assure you
that fire by friction spinning a stick in the palms is a lot easier
on TV or in the movies than it is in practice. In actuality, there
are few who can do it that way and they have huge tolerance for the
blisters raised on the palms. Even with a "bow" it takes the right
kinds of wood and plenty of work. Flint and steel is much much easier.
Ken in Juneau