Kim, any dried fig (cut up into smallish pieces as you describe)
should work nicely in your bread. There are many varieties ranging
from light tan to dark black, experiment and see which you prefer.
They'll act like any other dried fruit (raisins, apricots, dates,
prunes, etc.) in your bread -- should not change the dough, just be
an inclusion. Fresh figs, however, still have their juices and might
therefore require some balancing flour.
Dried figs are available year-round, fresh ones only occasionally (I
recall fesh figs being voted "lease favorite fruit" in some food poll
a couple years in a row -- ouch!). As for the "candied" figs --
haven't seen actual sugared figs, you might check the fine print on
the label. It may just be shiny skin or the dried juice gleaming back
at you. If there's sugar in the ingredients, though, you'll know that
including those figs will sweeten your bread somewhat. Enjoy
recreating the recipe!