Home Bread-Bakers v110.n024.1

Pizza on the grill & .....

Jeffrey Gerlach <jchelem@gmail.com>
Sat, 17 Jul 2010 08:02:14 -0500

After I roll out my dough on a floured board, I slide it on to a peel 
generously (but not heavily) dusted with corn meal. Sauce and topping 
are added, while occasionally gently shaking the peel to make sure 
the pizza is still "loose", after which it slides easily on to the 
preheated unglazed floor tiles in my grill.

Also a tip to anyone who uses a docker on their dough before applying 
toppings. For years I pressed down firmly when running the docker 
across the dough, basically putting holes through it. That allowed 
sauce or other liquid to flow through and under the dough, resulting 
in a pizza stuck to the board or peel. I realized a while back that I 
really didn't need to press so hard on the docker since all I was 
trying to do was to keep the dough from bubbling up on the top. So I 
started running the docker over the pizza very lightly, merely 
piercing the top of the dough, which has worked perfectly. No more 
pizzas stuck on the peel, and no big bubbles in the finished pizza.