Rose Beranbaum <> asked:
>Has anyone tried out the Fontana Gusto wood-fired outdoor oven from
>williams sonoma?
You might check out the Brick Oven group at Yahoo Groups. It's a
moderate traffic level group you can access from a web interface or
as a mailing list. A friendly group, and helpful too.
Williams-Sonoma is wonderful, and they stand behind their products,
but they tend to be pricey. With a brick oven, what could go
wrong? If it works when installed, it should be fine for years.
*Bake With Mike <>*
Mike Avery
A Randomly Selected Bread Saying Of The Day:
"The universe of bread is made up of a nostalgia for one's childhood
the hard work of farmers, miller and bakers and the distinctive
pleasure given by something 'authentic' and flavourful." --Jerome Assire