Here is the recipe I mentioned that resulted in much more flour
needed in :my toastmaster Platinum plus. The resulting loaf was
excellent and more bread like than coffecake like probably because
extra flour was used. I just made it recently for a luncheon and it
was well received.
I made this 6 times already and always more flour was used than
instructed. If anybody else tries this let me know if the 2 1/4 cups
flour was enough or if you needed to add more. 2 1/4 cups flour in
my toastmaster resulted in goop!
( from the best Bread machine cookbook ever )
Large loaf: 1 1/2 lbs
1 cup milk
3 tbs butter
1/4 cup honey
2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast
2 1/4 cups flour**
(3 cups+ for toastmaster**, my experience )
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
2 whole eggs
1 egg yolk
3 tbs brown sugar
3/4 cups chopped walnuts
Scald milk, stir in butter and honey and let cool to room temp. Add
milk mixture and remaining ingredients ( except brown sugar and nuts)
to your machine per manufacturers instructions.Serve warm or cool.
Note: I heated the milk, butter and honey in my microwave instead of the
stovetop.The first time I scalded it though but microwaveing heating
was easier.
Scalding milk is supposed to break down the protein in milk and result in a
better yeast product, making the job of the yeast easier.
Years ago people scalded milk because it wasnt pasturized. From my extensive
reading most bakers dont scald milk anymore but rather heat it.
Any experience bakers out there care to let us know whether they scald their
milk or not! :)
Joan,"Flour Power"
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