Home Bread-Bakers v097.n061.6

variety breads #2

Reggie Dwork <reggie@jeff-and-reggie.com>
Wed, 08 Oct 1997 23:12:34 -0700
Olive Ladder Bread
Pizza With Rosemary And Garlic
Snowshoe Naan

Here are more from my shy friend.


                     *  Exported from  MasterCook  *

                            Olive Ladder Bread

Recipe By     : Alford and Duguid
Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Alford Duguid                    Bread-Bakers Mailing List
                Breads                           Hand Made

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   2 1/2  Cups          lukewarm water
   1      Teaspoon      dry yeast
   6      Cups          Unbleached All Purpose Flour -- To 7C
   2      Tablespoons   olive oil
   2      Teaspoons     salt
   1 1/2  Cups          black olives -- pitted chopped
                        Nyons or Kalamata
     1/4  Cup           buckwheat flour

You will need a large bread bowl, four 10- by 15- inch or larger baking
sheets that will fit in pairs side-by-side in your oven, a sharp knife or
razor blade, and a pastry brush.

Place water in a large bowl, sprinkle on yeast, then stir in 2 1/2 cups of
the all purpose flour. Stir 100 times in the same direction (one minute) to
develop the gluten, then leave this sponge covered with plastic wrap for 30
minutes or up to two hours.Stir in olive oil, salt, olives, and buckwheat
flour. Mix in remaining flour, a cup at a time, stirring always in the same
direction, until dough becomes too stiff to stir. Turn dough out onto a
well floured working surface. Using floured hands, knead gently until the
dough has an even consistency (apart from the olives), then knead 5 minutes
longer. Clean bread bowl, oil it lightly, place dough in the bowl, then
cover with plastic wrap. Let rise for 2 to 3 hours. It will have almost
doubled in volume.

Oil two 10 by 15 inch (or larger) baking sheets. Flatten dough down gently
with your hands, then turn out onto floured working surface. Cut dough in
half, return half to the bread bowl and cover. Divide remaining half in
two. Knead each half into a ball and then flatten gently with the palm of
your hand. Let stand five minutes to rest. Working with each piece in turn,
flatten out with your palms into a rectangle or oval about 10 inches long
and 5 to 6 inches wide. It will be about 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick. Transfer
each to a lightly oiled baking sheet at least 14 inches long. Let loaves
rise for 20 to 30 minutes, covered with a damp towel or plastic wrap.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees and set rack at the center of the oven or just
above. (If your baking sheets do not fit side-by-side on one rack, place
two racks in oven, one just above the center and one just below. One bread
can go on each rack; about halfway through baking (after 10 to 12 minutes),
switch the two around.) Just before placing in the oven, use a sharp knife
or razor blade to make cuts through the breads: Starting two inches from
the top and about an inch from the side, cut across the bread to within an
inch of the other side. Make two more cuts, parallel to the first, at about
2 inch intervals (the cuts should go all the way through the dough). The
dough will separate at each cut, so that the bread looks like a kind of
fat-runged ladder; you can pull dough apart even more if you wish and if
your baking sheets are long enough, by pulling gently on each end of the
breads to make the slits gape more. Brush each loaf lightly with olive oil
all over, place in the oven, and bake for 20 minutes. Breads will be golden
when done.

Once first two loaves are in the oven, oil two more baking sheets, then
flatten remaining dough, divide into two, and repeat steps required to form
loaves. Breads should almost have finished rising by the time the first
batch comes out of the oven.

Yield: 4 loaves

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Nutr. Assoc. : 1582 0 14 0 0 0 0 0

                     *  Exported from  MasterCook  *

                      Pizza With Rosemary And Garlic

Recipe By     : Alford and Duguid
Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Bread-Bakers Mailing List        Breads
                Ethnic                           Hand Made

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1 1/2  Cups          warm water
     1/2  Teaspoon      dry yeast
   4      Cups          Unbleached All-Purpose Flour -- Or Approx
                        hard white flour or
                        a 50-50 blend of white and whole wheat
   1      Teaspoon      salt
   2      Tablespoons   olive oil
   2      Tablespoons   olive oil
   1      Teaspoon      fine sea salt
   2      Tablespoons   fresh rosemary springs

You will need a large bread bowl, a baking sheet 12 by 18 inches or two
smaller sheets.

Place water in a large bowl. Water should be warm but not hot to the touch.
Stir in the yeast and allow to dissolve. Stir in 1 cup flour, stirring
constantly in the same direction. Stir in another cup flour, then stir 100
times in the same direction (one minute). This helps develop the gluten.
You now have a sponge. Cover, and let stand for half an hour or up to three
hours. When you are ready to continue, sprinkle on salt and oil, then add
more flour, stirring it in a half cup at a time. The dough will be getting
heavier and harder to stir. When you can stir no longer, flour a kneading
surface well and have more flour handy beside your work surface. Turn dough
out and knead, adding extra flour to your work surface as necessary to
prevent the dough from sticking. The dough will gradually become smooth and
easy to work. Knead for 10 minutes, clean bread bowl, oil it lightly, and
place the ball of dough into the bowl to rise, covered with plastic wrap.
Let rise until more than doubled, almost three hours. When the volume of
the dough has approximately doubled, you can proceed to the next step.

Dough can be made ahead to this point and then stored. If you wish postpone
baking, gently push dough down, and leave covered in the bowl to rise
again. If delay will be more than several hours, instead store dough in a
plastic bag in the refrigerator (for not more than five days). Bring out of
the cold and take out of the plastic bag at least an hour before you want
to work with it.Lightly flour your work surface and lightly oil a 12 by
18-inch baking sheet. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Turn dough out onto work
surface and flatten with the lightly floured palm of your hand. Pull and
stretch the dough gently out into the rectangular shape you need to fit
your baking sheet. Take your time and give the dough time to rest if it is
resisting stretching. It will need to get quite thin. When you have
stretched the dough to approximately the shape and size you need, transfer
it to baking sheet and continue to gently press and stretch it to fit.
Don't worry if it tears, just patch the hole with another piece of dough
and press firmly to join the edges. If you have extra dough hanging over
the edge, trim it off and use it to make another small pizza. Dough should
be of an even thinness across the flat part of the baking sheet and should
form a slight rounded rim as it meets the edge (which is for many people
the best part of the pizza). Brush top of pizza with oil, then dimple the
surface all over with your fingers. Sprinkle on sea salt and then optional
rosemary leaves. Place baking sheet on the bottom rack of the preheated
oven and bake until the crust around the edge is slightly golden, 5 to 8
minutes, depending on how thin the pizza is. Remove from oven, brush crusts
lightly with olive oil and also the center if you wish. Cut into large
squares and serve warm or hot. We have often made pizza bianca several
hours ahead, then wrapped it in a clean kitchen towel to keep it moist
until we are ready to reheat it for serving. To reheat, place in a dampened
paper bag in a 300'F oven for about 10 minutes.

Yield: one large 12 by 18-inch pizza or two medium, or 3 or 4 small

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Nutr. Assoc. : 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 4860 3399

                     *  Exported from  MasterCook  *

                              Snowshoe Naan

Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Bread-Bakers Mailing List        Breads
                Ethnic                           Fatfree
                Hand Made

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   2 1/2  Cups          warm water
   1      Teaspoon      dry yeast
   1 1/2  Cups          whole wheat flour
   4      5 C           Unbleached  All-Purpose Flour -- Or
                        hard white flour
   1      Teaspoon      Nigella Black Onion Seed
   1      Tablespoon    salt

You will need a large bowl, and unglazed quarry tiles or a baking stone for
the next-to-bottom rack of your oven.

Place water in a large bread bowl, add yeast, and stir. Add whole wheat
flour and 1 cup white flour and stir well, then stir 100 times in the same
direction to develop the gluten (one minute). Let this sponge stand for 1/2
hour to 3 hours, covered.

Sprinkle salt over the sponge, then add another cup flour and stir.
Continue adding flour and stirring until you can stir no longer. Turn dough
out onto a lightly floured surface and knead thoroughly, about ten minutes,
until dough is smooth and easy to handle.

Clean out bowl, oil lightly, and return dough to bowl. Cover with plastic
wrap and let rise in a convenient place for 2 to 3 hours. When the dough
has more than doubled in volume, push down gently and turn out onto a
lightly floured surface. Divide the dough into eight equal pieces and shape
each into a flat oval shape, approximately 4 inches wide by 8 inches long.
Leave these flat disks out on the work surface and cover with plastic wrap
to let rise for approximately 20 minutes. Place quarry tiles or large
baking stone on a rack in the lower third of your oven, leaving a 1 inch
space between the tiles and the oven wall to allow air to circulate.
Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.

Five minutes after the oven has preheated, begin shaping the first bread.
Place a small bowl full of cold water by the edge of your work surface.
Using your fingertips, first dip them in the water and then, beginning at
one end of the disk of dough, make tightly spaced indentations all over the
surface of the dough, so that it looks pitted, though not pierced through.
Now stretch the dough gently into a long oval strip by draping it over both
hands and pulling them apart gently. The dough should stretch and give, and
after several tries will extend to make a long oval about 12 inches long
with attractive stretch marks along it from the stretched indentations
(hence, the name "snowshoe bread").

Place the bread back on the work surface, sprinkle with a pinch (less than
1/8 teaspoon) of black onion seeds, then using both hands, place the bread
directly on heated quarry tiles or stone. While the bread bakes, begin to
shape the next bread. Cooking time for each bread is approximately 4
minutes. You will soon develop a rhythm so that you can bake two breads
side by side across your oven, one going in when the other is half done.
When done, breads will have golden patches on top and a crusty browned
bottom surface. To keep breads warm and soft, wrap them in a cotton cloth
five minutes after they come out of the oven.

Serve warm or at room temperature.

Yield: 8 rippled flatbreads about 12 inches long and 3 to 5 inches wide,
with both soft and crispy textures.

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Nutr. Assoc. : 0 0 0 14 0 4288 0