Home Bread-Bakers v098.n037.8

Machine to Hand Conversion and a Stupid Question

Jill & Joe Proehl <jpxtwo@swbell.net>
Mon, 04 May 1998 10:07:20 -0500
Well, now that I think about this....there's both stupid questions....

1) Joan - thanks for the explicit directions on converting machine
recipes into hand recipes.  But I have another question for those of
you who use a Kitchen Aid (which I use also) - if you knead with the
dough hook for 8-9 minutes, does this mean you do not have to knead by
hand????  I've been kneading around 3-5 minutes (maybe more as I'm
called away to help children) and then kneading by hand for around
5-10 minutes, depending on how moist the dough is.....what is the
consequences as a result of this?

2)  And Reggie - how does one get the recipe archive file off the ftp
site????  I would love to be able to do this and not save each digest
as .txt and then run them through MC Buster and import into my
MasterCook -



~Jill Proehl in St. Louie, MO
at AIM Momsl8
ICQ #6154569
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