Mike brings up an interesting bit of information for me.
I remember going to a King Arthur presentation where they showed
their flour mixed with water and another brand of flour mixed in the
same proportions. The other brand looked like soup while the KA was a
dough; demonstrating differences in flours. I put that info along
with what I had read about general purpose flour varying between soft
wheat and hard wheat, depending upon the season, to always suspect
flour as the source of problems. I have soft water, but good tasting,
and have tried bottled water without any noticeable difference to me.
And I have made bread in different cities without a problem. So, now
I will add this additional bit of info into my wet computer and be
aware of seasonal changes in my water too.
This is why I always enjoy reading about other bakers' experiences;
every "crumb" of information helps makes one a better baker. Thanks
Mike, Jeff, and Reggie.
Joe Salkowitz