Ricardo wrote:
At a certain point,the recipe called for "Farina di Manitoba" (which I
translated as "Manitoba flour"). I looked up this word (both in my Italian
and English
dictionaries), and all I could find was that Manitoba is a lake and province
in Canada - no mention to the flour!
Does anyone happen to know what kind of flour it is? Maybe a type of flour
that is richer or poorer in gluten...
Manitoba flour is ground from hard wheat and is very similar to Bread flour.
It contains a lot of gluten in it and makes a very good loaf of bread.
Actually most of the flour sold in Canada is very similar to this.
Carole Walberg
http://www.brandonu.ca/~walberrd/family.html for 1000's of recipes in
Mastercook format and for the COMPLETED VERSION of the .MXP Browser for
non-Mastercook users.