Barbara Ross posted about how to convert recipes to be able to weigh them.
Well, there is actually a list of what certain ingredients in cups and
spoon measurements approximately weigh. I believe there is such a list in
the Bread Bakers Apprentice and also on the King Arthur site. I just use
that to convert my recipes. For instance 1 cup of flour measured by
fluffing up the flour with a spoon and then measuring by the dip and sweep
method weighs something like 4.7 oz (I can't remember exactly). So you just
take this number and multiply it by the number of cups of flour that the
recipe calls four. Sugar weighs something like 7.2 oz for ever cup or
something like that.
For measurements less than 2 tbs I don't bother weighing.
Rule of thumb: 16 liquid oz (1 pint) of water, milk, and beaten eggs is 1
pound by weight.