"Susannah Ayres-Thomas" <sthomas3@wi.rr.com> wrote:
>> I have a couple of questions for Ngozi Osuji: First of all, for which
church is the communion bread to be made? The reason I ask is that
different churches have different standards for that bread. <<
I'm straying rather far from the original inquiry, but anyone interested in
Communion bread is bound to find this site interesting:
http://www.prosphora.org/ - "The only place on the World Wide Web devoted
exclusively to Orthodox Christian Holy Bread."
It has links, recipes and all kinds of information on making Communion
bread for Eastern Orthodox churches (Greek, Russian, etc.), including
sources for the special stamp or seal (prosphora) for imprinting the
top. Also recipes for Western forms of Communion bread or wafers
(http://www.prosphora.org/page35.html), as well as discussion of the
theology of why various ingredients are used or not used.
Rochester, NY