Sorry this took so long ... I finally dug out the original recipe the
German lady sent me. I put in the weight conversions and a couple
translations and notes.
When I questioned the high temps advised (I've found 350 F to be the ideal
temp for my bread) she said: "Don't worry! The first ten min. are
necessary for the crust I think. 200 C (400 F) is quite normal. If you have
an oven which "Umluft" circulating air you bake it 30 - 40 C (55 - 70 F)
lower. You need also the higher temperature for the color and crust and
because the dough is heavy (starch gets brown and there is no sugar in it).
Pale bread doesn't look and taste good. Nobody would buy a pale, soft and
doughy bread here. If you think your bread will get to dark cover it with
aluminum foil the last 10 or 15 min. Every oven works different. But
remember you need a thicker crust."
VIERKORNBROT - excellent
350 g (12.3 oz or 2.5 cups) Weizenschrotmehl (wheat fresh grinded)
150 g (5.3 oz) Roggenschrotmehl (rye fresh grinded)
1 1/2 t. salt
30 g (1 oz.) frische Hefe (fresh yeast)(I used 1 T. dry yeast)
1/4 l (8 oz) lauwarmes Wasser (lukewarm water)
1 t. Honig (honey)
First make yeast dough with all the ingredients. Then put in the following:
(keep 2 tablespoons back for later)
50 g (1.8 oz. or 5 T.) Sesam (sesame seed)
50 g (1.8 oz. or 3.5 T.) Leinsamen (flaxseeds)
50 g (1.8 oz. or 4 T.) grobes Weizenschrot (coarse ground wheat)
Mehl (flour for kneading)
Oel (oil for cookie sheet)
Wasser (water for bread top)
Let dough stand warm (room temperature) 40-50 min. until the dough is doubled.
Form bread, put it on a oily cookie sheet (I used one bread pan), brush
water on top, put Sesam, Leinsamen and Weizenschrot on top. Cover the bread
and let it stand warm again for another 15 min. (I did let mine rise until
it had doubled in size)
Meanwhile preheat oven at 200 C (392 F) Put a little bowl with water in
the oven ground. Bake bread on the first level of the oven about 50 - 60
min. (I baked it at 350 F for 50 min.)