Home Bread-Bakers v103.n049.10

Another flaxseed question

Susan Brigden <Susie22@mindspring.com>
Sun, 09 Nov 2003 05:49:56 -0500
I am interested in trying to add ground flaxseed to bread, but my husband 
does not like whole wheat type bread.  Does anyone have a recipe...or 
experience...adding ground flaxseed to a regular white bread recipe (ok, I 
can sneak a little bit of whole wheat in and he won't notice!).

I'm not trying to add a lot - most of the recipes I've seen start with 1 c 
of ground seed plus oodles of whole wheat flour.  I'm a little reluctant to 
just add some arbitrarily to an existing recipe as I know you probably need 
to compensate for the additional oil the seed flour will produce.
