You might want to check out the KitchenAid website and for
refurbished models.
Also check out amazon's Friday only specials.
Mine is ...and was.. 325 wattage and the 5 quart lever model. Wattage is a
measurement that remains constant. It refers to the maximum amount of
"electrical energy" available to that "thing"
For instance, a 40 watt bulb give you x amount of light because that's the
"energy" is has while a 75 watt will give you more.
Just as a 75 watt bulb won't be effective (if not dangerous!) in a 40 watt
socket, don't expect a 250 watt machine to do what the top-of-the-line 650
watt machine will do.
Now you know more about wattage then you ever wanted to know.
There is an 800 number on the KitchenAid website and some very pleasant and
knowledgeable helpers on the other end. Aslso check with them.
I guess this is all because I like to check these out before I buy. I'm not
obsessive. When it is something where I have no expertise, I want all the
info I can get!)
Enjoy whatever you decide to buy.