I was feeling a bit flush in the checking account and wanted some specialty
items from the King Arthur folks. I had them send me the bread baking DVDs.
The DVDs were on two subjects - making artisan (read french bagettes etc)
and sweet breads. I found the sweet bread DVD had a few technique
improvements, but it was well worth it for me for the shaping of the bread
portion. The 6 braid technique requires several replayings, but I got it.
The artisan bread presents the techniques for making and shaping artisan
breads including some good technique for handling the dough. It is a
better way for me to learn than reading books plus trial and error. Want
to state making crusty french bread? The DVD is a good way to get started
fast. The realization of the amount of time and care to get the really
good stuff came through.
The presenter is a senior baker/teacher at King Arthur. The commercials
are few. His style is folksy but knowledgeable. I am not regretting the
money spent. On the other hand, I am not jumping hard after the full
artisan bread process. But I am going back to sourdough baking again after
a multiyear gap. Batteries are recharged for the hassles of sourdough in
exchange for the flavors.
Ken Vaughan in Juneau Alaska -- where the snow is almost all melted and
"greenup" is almost here.