Home Bread-Bakers v106.n008.6

Digital Scales

Judith Mayberry <mayberry@san.rr.com>
Sun, 19 Feb 2006 11:00:19 -0800
I have a Salter scale, and was puzzled that when I measured grams it 
went up by 2s: 2, 4, 6, 8, etc. I went to a store with a large 
selection and it seems they ALL have 2-gram increments! Apparently 
this is the industry standard for home bakers. Is there a brand that 
will measure 7 grams, for example?

Hope someone can clear up the mystery for me.


[[ Editor's note: 1 gram is not very much.  1 tsp of water is 4.9 
gm.  A scale that is precise enough to show 1 gm increments is 
overkill for cooking.  Our digital scale displays 5 gm or 1/4 oz 
increments.  1/4 oz = 7 gm ]]