The Bread Baker's Guild of America publishes some very interesting
educational materials. This is the announcement of two new DVDs:
The Bread Baker's Guild of America writes:
We are excited to announce the arrival of two new educational DVDs --
"The Science of Preferments" and "Techniques in Lamination". These
DVDs were created during The Guild's Camp Bread 2005 at the San
Francisco Baking Institute.
"The Science of Preferments" DVD offers an intense look at
preferments and how they affect your doughs. The topics covered
include poolish, biga, prefermented dough, sponges and soakers. Your
instructor is Jeffrey Yankellow, formerly of SFBI, now president of
Simply Bread in Scottsdale, AZ. Jeff is also the Baguettes and
Specialty Bread member of Bread Bakers Guild Team USA 2005, winner of
the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie. Guild Member Price: $85;
Non-Member Price: $100
"Techniques in Lamination" gives you insight into how mixing,
fermentation and laminating techniques can change and improve your
croissant, Danish and puff pastry. This class was taught by Tim
Healea, production manager at Pearl Bakery in Portland, OR, and
Viennoiserie member of Bread Bakers Guild Team USA 2002. Guild Member
Price: $85; Non-Member Price: $100
You may order using The Guild's online Marketplace -- go to and click on Marketplace. You will find the DVDs in the
Resource area or click on the "Product List" link.