Home Bread-Bakers v102.n014.6

Re: Sourdough starters

"Richard L Walker" <rlwalker@granis.net>
Sat, 23 Mar 2002 12:02:17 -0600
 yeast is concerned, there is always the "strong" possibility of 
infection, contamination or whatever you want to call it.  When I made 
wine, sanitation was easy (a few Camden tablets).  When I made beer, 
sanitation was tough (dilute Clorox solution and rinse for everything it 

The bread making standard for home starters is the flour / water / yeast 
mix in the refrigerator that gets refreshed every so often.  The procedure 
certainly leaves gaping holes for additional "growing things" to be 
introduced to the culture.  I've kept them for years using this process, 
but the final flavor did evolve from what I started with.

I'm wondering if anyone has attempted to keep their sourdough culture in 
liquid form as many home brewers do.  The procedure is straightforward, but 
the sanitization involved can be a pain.  It would certainly not allow for 
any new contaminants and future cultures should be the same as the original 
keeping the flavor of each loaf fairly consistent.

"Richard L Walker"<rlwalker2@cox.net>
Pensacola, FL 32504-7726 USA