Hello all,
I do a lot of bread making, so my consumption of yeast is rather high. I
like to use the rapid-rise (such as Fleischmann's RapidRise) yeast, but can
only find that in the little foil envelopes (which are very expensive). I'd
like to find it in bulk form (e.g., a whole jar of the stuff -- about 4
ounces, I think) but can only find jars of "regular" yeast. Does anyone
make rapid-rise yeast sold in bulk form??? I'm not too picky about brand
names as long as it works well. Help!
Now for a follow-on question: what is the actual difference between
regular yeast and rapid-rise yeast? Through my own experiments I have
noticed there is a noticeable difference in rising time, but what do they
actually do to the yeast to cause it to be different?