There was a post about sources for dough enhancer. I happened to find
this recipe in my files for homemade enhancer. I have not had any
experience with it (or commercial variety for that matter). But maybe
it will help (unless the ingredients are just as expensive as buying
Essex, Vermont
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
Title: Dough Enhancer
Categories: Breadmaker, Substitutes
Yield: 32 Servings
1 c Lecithin granules
1 tb Vitamin C powder
1 tb Ginger, ground
Mix all ingredients and store in tightly closed glass
jar. Add to breadmaker in amount equal to yeast with
other dry ingredients. Start machine. Apparently, the
ginger gooses the yeast and makes it act more swiftly,
the ascorbic acid strengthens the gluten, and the
lecithin aids the oil in causing the strands of gluten
to slip against each other more easily and thus rise