Hello, all. I have been lurking since I found this site listed in a KA
catalog, it's been quite interesting & educational. This message is for
Frank Brewster, who "substantially knows nothing". The book that really
educated me about bread & making bread is by Elizabeth David, "English Bread
and Yeast Cookery", published by Biscuit Books, Newton, MA, new American
edition. I think I got mine at Borders. Anyway, it's a bit dated, as it was
originally written in 1977, but the basic facts remain the same. If you are
interested in how to make bread & a bit of bread history, this is a great
book. It makes an interesting read as well as having lots of recipes for
(primarily) English (Scottish, Irish, some continental) style breads. The
American edition has measures for American cooks as well as the British ones.
I began with the basic bread recipe, and have gone on from there. Once you
understand the way different ingredients work, it's fun to experiment & see
what you get. The basic bread recipe makes a wonderful loaf for toasting,
but tends to get a little dry for sandwiches by day 3. I could go on
forever, I suppose. If you have any questions, email me Yvonne58@aol.com (I
can't remember if this will automatically be in my post somewhere...computer
challenged as I am). Good luck & happy baking!