Re: freezing dough
Keeping the dough tightly wrapped both going into and coming out of the
freezer will prevent condensation. I usually thaw overnight in the fridge,
Re: fluffy whole wheat breead
I'm not Harry, I am the person he responded to. I have now run four loaves
using the King Arthur "Classic 100% Whole Wheat" recipe. So far I have had
two over-wet sunken loaves and two perfect loaves. The recipe does result
in much fluffier loaves than I have made in the past, although not quite so
fluffy as white. By my calculation, it is very nearly 100% hydration
(something I think you mentioned in the last digest). Admittedly, I've
always stuck to 60%, then added a few tablespoons water till I get a nice
doughball, but never thought to keep adding. To see the recipe, go to, click on favorite recipes, and search for the word
"classic" (no need to change any search options).