Home Bread-Bakers v096.n026.12

non-milk/non-soy substitute for non-fat milk

bbriscoe@infolink.morris.mn.us (Bonnie Briscoe)
Sun, 23 Jun 1996 20:16:17 -0500
For Marvin Moskowitz, who wrote:

>Many of my  breadmachine recipes for whole grain breads that I am interested
>in making call for instant non-fat milk. I am lactose intolerant and my
>toddler is allergic to milk and soy (she drinks RICE DREAM). My books say
>the milk powder is needed for a fine crumb, but do not suggest alternatives.

I think you could just omit the milk powder and still get good bread--I
make many breads that don't contain any form of milk.  Or, you could try
substituting instant potato flakes for the dry milk.  Adding potato flakes
to a bread recipe always seems to make it lighter.

Hope this helps.

Bonnie Briscoe

          Bonnie Briscoe - bbriscoe@infolink.morris.mn.us
          Freelance writing, editing, desktop publishing
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