> Has anyone successfully tried the microwave rising method for bread? I
> signed up for a class at the local community college but it was cancelled.
Yes, I've tried this a few times. There's a good book called Bread In Half
The Time which outlines the procedure and provides a variety of recipes --
of course the recipes can be made the "old-fashioned" way as well. This
method worked well for me if I was on a very tight schedule and needed to
get some bread made pronto...these days I prefer a longer rise and have the
time at home needed to do it since I work from home.
One of the key points is to test your microwave and determine how powerful
it is by heating up a cup of water. Based on its wattage and such you'll
be able to judge what power level and how long you should put the bread
dough into the microwave to rise.
Hope this helps,
Email: gardngirl@geocities.com
Recipe Archive: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/8098/recipes.html
(NetWord: "gardngirl-recipes")